On Writing: I haven't had much time this week and it looks like I'll have even less next week to work on the WIP *sadface* I had a really long poem (a sestina. It was fun but took forever) to write for creative writing. I wrote mine based on the characters and events in my WIP and I'm pretty proud of it. Maybe I'll post that here some time.
Favorite Blog Post: I've been spending much more time on Tumblr (follow me!) Than reading actual blogs (I believe a Tumblr is considered a type of blog, though in my mind it falls under its own category) so instead of a blog post I'm going to recommend an awesome Tumblr that I found today! it's called HIPSTER JOHN GREEN QUOTES. Yes. When I found out this existed I freaked out. See the gloriousness HERE. (Spell check is informing me that "gloriousness" isn't a word. WTF? It should be.)
Song of the Week:
- Nicole
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