Best Book: I didn't have any new books to read this week (remedying that tomorrow!!) and I've been really busy reading books for school, but I did have time to reread the amazing Demonglass (Hex Hall #2) by Rachel Hawkins. I love this book so much. SO MUCH.
Anticipated Book: So it's only fitting that the book I'm anticipating most this week is the third book in the Hex Hall series, Spell Bound! The cover is gorgeous and I have a feeling it's going to be an amazing finale to the series. Team Archer!
On Writing: Despite how busy I am, the WIP is coming along well. It's at 18,000 words right now. Thanks to the amazingness that is Scrivener I've also been able to organize my notes and outline a bit ahead too, so I'm a happy writer :D
Favorite Blog Post: Kiersten White wrote an absolutely hilarious and sarcastic post about YA genres. You must check it out HERE.
Song of the Week: I'm listening to this one on repeat for the WIP right now.
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