Best Book: The most awesome book I read this week was Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer. I already did a review of that HERE. Since I already talked about that one, I also read Supernaturally by Kiersten White yesterday. I also thought this was an amazing sequel. I love the world and the wit and the new problems and information that are revealed in it.
Anticipated Book: Has to go this week to Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins. Her first book, Anna and the French Kiss, is a must-read for anyone who loves a beautiful, realistic love story, or just a story about growing up and finding yourself. Or Paris. Or British guys. Basically, it's for everyone. The paperback of Anna came out this week with the first chapter of Lola in it. When I was at Barnes and Noble earlier this week I read the first chapter and it was funny and wonderful just like I knew it would be. So much of Lola's life and personality is shown in that first glimpse, it's astounding. I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS BOOK. All caps necessary. It comes out on September 29th, 2011, and I am counting the seconds.
On Writing: My work in progress is going really well! I've finally figured out most of the major plot events and the ending. I love it so much! It's at 13,100 words right now. Progress is slower than I'd like thanks to how busy I've been, but I'm not complaining as long as something is getting written :)
Favorite Blog Post: Was THIS one from Kiersten White (author of aforementioned Supernaturally. I adore her blog!!) It's about how talent and especially hard work are so important in writing, and uses aforementioned Lola (see how well this all fits together? ;) As an example.
Song of the Week: My favorite Youtube musicians Megan and Liz came out with a new original song and video this week and it's by far my favorite of theirs.
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