On Writing: I'm writing a lot of poems and working on a short story for creative writing class, I wrote my first paper for AP history this week *gulp*, my first paper for AP English is due next week *more gulping* and I'm going to try and work on the WIP a bit this weekend, and I have a new idea on the back burner that I LOVE, which I wrote a little bit about in my post yesterday.
Favorite Blog Post: I read this one by Tahereh Mafi (her debut novel, Shatter Me, comes out in November - I'm so excited) where she talks about people who want to publish books but don't do their homework, and how people in the online community are awesome, in general ;) It's a really good post, and it definitely made my day a little better. Read it HERE.
Song of the Week:
- Nicole
A Northern Light was very very good. I love historical fiction.